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Teaching Philosophy 

I am committed to helping my students develop 21st century skills through artistic expression. The 8 Studio Habits of mind:

  • Stretch and Explore

  • Express

  • Develop Craft

  • Envision

  • Understand the Arts Community

  • Observe

  • Engage and Persist

  • Reflect

Have become my guiding principles in helping my students make connections between the art making process and real life applications. The art making process requires research, careful planning, exploration, trial and error, and many other concepts that stretch beyond the art classroom. I am committed to teaching for artistic behavior and firmly believe this helps form brighter and more versatile individuals.  

I am also committed to culturally responsive teaching and creating a space in which students feel free to be themselves and express themselves without judgement to explore identity through their art. Culturally responsive teaching is a changing philosophy, it is simply not the same it was ten or even five years ago, there are new terms, ideas, discoveries that come with dealing with the dynamics of various cultures and backgrounds in the classroom. I am passionate about being a life long learner and learning the new ways in which to be more sensitive, compassionate, and receptive to being inclusive of all backgrounds in my practice. 

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