Self Evaluation in Professional Dispositions
I am very comfortable with my professional and ethical behavior and integrity. I believe I consistently model professional standards of conduct in the way I carry myself with colleagues and students. In this regard, I am accomplished and have over ten years of experience in the workforce. I am punctual, responsible, reliable and a good communicator. I look forward to continuing to excel in these areas in my teaching career always keeping in mind there is always room for growth and improvement.
I am committed to be a culturally responsive teacher and believe that I am proficient in this area, but I also know this is a growing and evolving concept and am sensitive to the changes brought on with experience and dealing with students from diverse backgrounds. I never want to become stagnant or complacent in any area of teaching, but this is one I particularly never want to be out of touch with. Being a life-long educator also means being comfortable and passionate about the idea of also being a life-long learner in order to adapt to the times, challenges and richness that comes with teaching students of all backgrounds. There are always new philosophies around this, areas that we had not previously considered, intersections that my have been overlooked, and I am committed to growth and proficiency around these matters and student centered teaching.