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Standard 4: Demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection and leadership. 

ELEMENT A: Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.

  • Being professional is very important to me. I model professional behavior with students and colleagues always as it is important to me to have the respect and consideration of others, ethical behavior, effective communication, sensitivity and responsiveness, and am aware I cannot expect to receive something I don't give. My CEP Professional Dispositions Evaluation is evidence of my dedication to a high standard for professional conduct. 




ELEMENT B: Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.

  • Professional growth and professional goals should go hand in hand in order to make progress and see significant evolvement. I have specific professional goals that I know will take time to reach and accomplish, but one more immediate professional goal is to learn more about and try to implement TAB (teaching for artistic behavior) philosophy and choice based learning for students. Being at Silver Creek High School has really sparked that interest and possibility of continuing with this concept throughout my career. Creating a culture of "yes" and preventing art trauma by limiting students' creativity is very important. I was presented with the opportunity of attending a Webex workshop to learn about TAB in a k-12 setting and how other teachers in St. Vrain Valley implement it or are trying to implement it. I really think this is where art education is headed and want to continue learning more about this philosophy. I have included the agenda for the workshop. I attended the Renita Orellana  & Heather Brubaker - TAB Presentation & Roundtable as well as the Nate Abrahams - Equitable Grading in Art Roundtable. 






ELEMENT C: Teachers are able to respond to a complex, dynamic environment.

  • No environment has proven to be more challenging, complex and dynamic as teaching through the restrictions of a global pandemic and teaching virtually while having some students be in the classroom while others remain at home learners. One of my very first times in charge of a 4th grade classroom on my own seemed hectic at first, but as class went on, I managed to keep students engaged despite the many challenges of our set up. Below is a link to a video of said situation.   




ELEMENT D: Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession.

  • Ideally, there would have been more ways of demonstrating leadership in the schools I student taught at and the community, but because of Covid, my options were limited. Even the annual art show was restricted to an online platform. I was able to participate in this event and help upload student work for the virtual art show. Because I'm not sure if the link to the art show will still be active by the time this website is seen by a hiring committee, I have included screenshots of the uploading process. 

Art Show 2 capture.JPG
Art Show Screen Shot.JPG


This is a standard I do believe I am accomplished in and am confident will maintain throughout my career. Professionalism is very important to me as well as modeling good behavior for my students and peers. I am looking forward to demonstrating leadership my school, the community, and the teaching profession throughout my career and find innovative ways to do so as this was limited during student teaching given the circumstances. I am passionate about professional growth and am cautious about professional stagnation that can come from burnout. I know that being mindful and aware of self care and keeping "filling" my tank will play a role in keeping this passion alive and active. This awareness has come with age and life experience, and by no means am I an expert in these areas, but have a good handle on how to manage them in my life. It hasn't always been easy and know my limits, which I have often tested to my detriment. I am aware I should surround myself with positive role models, and need to network to find those peers and colleagues that can keep me motivated and that I can support and motivate as well. I know I can take on the challenges of complex and dynamic environments because I already have!





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