Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach.
ELEMENT A: Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and their district's organized plan of instruction.
The Colorado Academic Standards are the basis for creating my lesson plans and help guide my teaching and shape my lessons so I have clear goals and targets for my students. Below you will find one of my lesson plans that show how my instruction is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards.
ELEMENT B: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematics.
There is ample opportunity in art to incorporate literacy through reflections, artist statements, written critiques, art proposals, and even language in art expression. It is a bit more difficult to incorporate numeracy, but I am very proud of how I managed to incorporate numeracy in a lesson with 5th graders about Native American naming traditions. Although naming traditions differ from nation to nation, a constant is that names are fluid and can change as the person changes. I explained to students that in our culture, our names don't change, they stay the same, so the assignment was to create a name sculpture with the letters of their name in which they designed each letter to reflect their likes, hobbies, dreams and take ownership of their name even when their name can't change as they change. Below is a link to the power point I created for this lesson which also lists guidelines for their project which include specific dimensions for each letter of their name. Students had to fold their paper in half and quarters, and measure their letter to make sure they were the right size , it was a simple way to incorporate numeracy to the lesson. Slide number eleven shows incorporation of numeracy.
ELEMENT C: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.
During my time at Silver Creek High School, I saw first hand how the 8 Studio Habits of Mind guide teachers to develop lessons that generate inquiry through observation and engaging and persisting. It also serves as guidance for teachers to design lessons that have appropriate evidence-based instructional practices and specialized characteristics of art by leading students to interact as artists with other artists (historic and contemporary) within a broader community. This philosophy helped me tremendously in developing my lesson plans and will continue to be a guiding philosophy in my teaching.
As I have stated throughout, I am committed to being a life long learner. I believe I am proficient in art pedagogical expertise, but know it will take more experience to be fully accomplished in every skill I will be teaching. Learning how to teach is ongoing and fluid. Teachers must be flexible and receptive in knowing our strengths, and identifying our successes and failures. I am so ready to implement all I have learned, but am also hungry for more and plan on continuing with classes, workshops, personal research and observation to polish my practice. I intent to continue with a Masters degree at some point as well, but I think I will first teach a couple of years to put all I have learned into practice, as well as take time to learn about my personal teaching experience and what I want to expand on as I develop my teaching. I am particularly happy to have experienced choice based learning and am eager to learn more about this, implement, and expand on my own ideas on it. I am excited about generating meaningful conversations with students that help them make connections with art and artistic expression.