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3D Artistic Abilities


Paper Mache Masks

mask with antlers.jpg


 For our fourth lesson we continued to build on the skills from previous lessons including forming, shaping and paper mache techniques through the creation of ornamental masks. These masks were a chance to reveal aspects of students personality through art making, whether that be through form or color. These masks will have string attached and ready to be worn in our next class.

Essential Understandings 

The essential understandings for this project were for students to implement the problem solving skills they  have acquired through forming, shaping and using paper mache to now form and shape using plaster gauze which are easier to use. This facilitated creating of more complex ornamentation. 


  • Learning how to use plaster gauze 

  • How to shape and form with different materials to add elements to the mask form

  • Techniques of painting on new material of plaster gauze

  • Designing 3D forms through sketching nad practice with materials 

  • Problem Solving 

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