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Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach.

One of my goals is not only to help my students learn and develop skills to make more complex and expressive art, but also to be able to make connections and critical observations in the art of historical and contemporary artists. It is of utmost importance to me, not necessarily to instill in my students a desire to be artists for a living, but to see themselves as lifelong artists and creators. I intend to nourish in my students an art making practice that goes beyond the classroom and makes them creative thinkers that can appreciate and interpret art on their own throughout their life. It is my objective to remove biases and intimidation of art that is difficult to interpret and help students make personal connections with art, across time, culture, and language.

Due to the restrictions of virtual learning, it was four art student teachers for one mentor teacher, Mr. Crawford, so one of the lessons we got to teach virtually was by the four of us together. We decided to present on four different contemporary artists, followed by our own art and the connections and inspirations we find in other artists to create our own pieces. We also asked of students to research a contemporary artist of their own they felt a personal connection with or inspired by. It was great to see how diverse students’ interests were and how they connected and were inspired by different artists, mediums, and styles.

I think I am proficient in demonstrating pedagogical expertise. I still get nervous when talking to students, but am having an easier time adjusting and connecting with students, and being more confident in my delivery and inquiry of insight from them.

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