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Standard 4:  Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership. 

Not only was this a difficult semester due to Covid, but my experience was also cut short due to health complications that kept me from continuing in person observations. I am proud of my proficiency in professionalism, ethical conduct, and leadership. I am aware of my areas of strength and my areas of weakness and am competent at leading and following depending on the situation and leadership skills. Prior to attending school, I worked as a lactation consultant for over eight years at Boulder County Public Health, as listed on my resume. This gave me skills that have helped my on my journey in becoming a teacher and in many ways influenced the way I have worked with students during 326, 350, 450, and in student teaching. Every semester has made me grow as a teacher through a combination of theory and practice. Our text, Making Thinking Visible, was a great compliment to the theory portion of our learning. I’ve included a reflection of the first two chapters as I believe this gives insight on my development of reflection and leadership in my field.

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